Saturday, March 31, 2012

Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.

Went for a run in the morning with the Robie crew. Ran about 5 miles. Felt good and ended up going paddling down the river later in the day. Might not have been the best idea. Started feeling sick again at night.

Felt like shit all day. Stayed at home with no desire to move a limb.

Skipped track and WOD for today. Still not feeling well. Aches and coughs are holding me back. Went out for dinner with Nestors at Bardenay. 

Feel slightly better today. Will try to do some workout later today to see how I feel. Tried some snatches with the new shoes. Didn't try to go too heavy.

Tried doing the BB portion of Outlaw. CNJ felt hard at 75% and had no motivation to go on. Called it quits. Ate alot more today and felt like my appetite is coming back.

Doing the mainsite WOD today.

Friday, March 30, 2012

To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.

Evening WOD

Feeling a little sick today. Went to bad last night with a scratchy throat and this morning felt like I have a fever. Ended up skipping the workout below. Damn!

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch From Blocks (just below knee): 3X2 @ 75%, 2X2 @ 80%
   rest 75 sec. 75%-80%(100#-110#)

2) Clean From Blocks (just below knee): 3X2 @ 75%, 2X2 @ 80%
   rest 75 sec. 75%-80%(125%-135%)
3) 4X2 Heaving Snatch Balance – heavier than last week, 
   rest 75 sec.  

1X20 Back Squat 70%=205#
Conditioning (Parts A/B)
Part A:
3 rounds for working time of:
10 Push Press 135/95#
15 HR Pushups
20 Pullups
*Rest 2 minutes after each round.
-Rest 10 minutes between parts.

Part B:
6 minute AMRAP of:
7 Hang Power Cleans @ 185/120#
11 Ring Dips
14 T2B

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.

Evening WOD

BB Gymnastics
1) 5X2 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @ 75-85% – rest 90 sec.
   changed 1RM of CNJ to 160 so 75%-85%(120#-135#)
   120 13- 135 135 135

2a) 4X3 Clean Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.
2b) 4X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – heavy, rest 60 sec.
    noticed that all the pulls drills online use a weight that is
    way heavier than 1RM. Will have to try 120% of 1RM next time.

For time:
100 UB Double-Unders
30 Burpees
15 GHD Situps
75 UB Double-Unders
30 Burpees
15 GHD Situps
50 UB Double-Unders
30 Burpees
15 GHD Situps
12:58. Tried 4 times to get UB DU but didn't get them all. On the  5th try, I just counted up to the required rep.

1a) 3X10 Weighted GH Raise – heavy, rest 45 sec.
1b) 3X15 Reverse Hypers – medium, rest 45 sec.

GH raise, did 3 sets but didn't get to 10 reps. Did this without weight and my hamstrings were cramping up.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

Evening WOD

BB Gymnastics
1) Power Snatch + Snatch (full squat): 2X1 @ 70%, 2X1 @ 75%, 1X1 @ 
   80% – rest 75 sec. went to 80% but failed the last squat cleans
   redid it until I got under the bar.

2) Power Clean + Push Jerk: 3X1 @ 75%, 2X1 @ 80% – rest 75 sec. 
   This felt light. Might need to change 1RM of 155 to 160 next

Conditioning (2 parts)
Part 1-
4 rounds for reps and row times of:
Row 500m
Rest 1:1

3/4/9/11 on HSPUs and about 1:58 for each 500m row. Next time, make sure hands and head form a triangle for hspu and have hands go as wide as possible. It makes the HSPUs easier and the ROM is shorter.

Part 2-
Exactly 10 minutes after part 1 complete one set each of the following:
1) ME UB Perfectly Vertical KBS 24/16kg 31
2) ME UB Thrusters 115/75# 3 total, first thruster, second was a push
   jerk and third was a split jerk.
3) ME HS Walk for distance (3 attempts) 2s was max
*Rest as needed between efforts.

Monday, March 26, 2012

You get credit for what you finish, not what you start.

Morning Track


Jonathan tried not telling us the workout other than what we had to do next and it worked. We put out on all the runs and did considerably better.

Evening WOD

BB Gymnastics
1) 5X2 Snatch @ 75-85% – rest 90 sec.
2a) 5X3 Snatch Pulls – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. 
2b) 5X2 Tempo High-Bar Back Squat @ 75% – rest 60 sec. tried for 220 
    but had to go down to 185#

For time:
Run 400m
3 rounds of the BB complex-
5 Deadlifts 135/95#
5 Hang Power Cleans 135/95#
5 Push Jerks 135/95#
Run 400m
2 rounds of the BB complex
Run 400m
1 round of the BB complex
100 Double-Unders

1a) 3X5 (5l/5r) TGUs @ 24/16kg – rest 45 sec. didnt do all the TGU
1b) 3×20 UB T2B – rest 45 sec. broke things up

felt tired after the track workout.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as a sheep.

Afternoon WOD

CrossFit Games Open 12.5
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 Thrusters (100/65)
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
6 Thrusters (100/65)
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
9 Thrusters (100/65)
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
12 Thrusters (100/65)
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Thrusters (100/65)
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
18 Thrusters (100/65)
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
21 Thrusters (100/65)
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…
Did better than the last time by 10 reps = 81

Thursday, March 22, 2012

In this time of war, and in memory of our fallen heroes, we must be mindful to do everything in our power to keep our troops safe as they keep us safe. We must do better to take care of their families, who sacrifice in ways too many count.

Evening WOD

CrossFit Games Open 12.5

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 Thrusters (100/65)
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
6 Thrusters (100/65)
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
9 Thrusters (100/65)
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
12 Thrusters (100/65)
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Thrusters (100/65)
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
18 Thrusters (100/65)
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
21 Thrusters (100/65)
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…

Got 11 thrusters into the 15th round = 71

rested for the next 2 days

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build your life by, and this you will become.

Evening WOD

BB Gymnastics
5X3 Clean (full squat) & Jerk @ 70-80% – rest 90 sec.
started with 110 and went to 125

Strength (no more than 30 minutes)
Establish a 1RM Back Squat.
295# is my 1RM. Went to 275# and failed. Then to 245# and failed again. Bagged the 1RM after that.

BB Gymnastics II
1a) 4X4 Clean Pulls – moderately heavy, rest 60 sec.
1b) 4X2 Front Squats – moderately heavy, rest 60 sec.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Someone has to be successful, someone has to write the next bestseller, someone has to be number one, someone has to be on the best, why not you! As the famous poem goes, “You have all that the greatest of men have had, two hands, and two feet.

Evening WOD

BB Gymnastics
1) Power Snatch + Squat Snatch; rest 60 sec
   2X1 @ 65% 85#
   2X1 @ 70% 95#
   2X1 @ 75% 100#
2) Power Clean + Push Jerk, rest 60 sec
   5X1 @ 75% 115#

1a) 3XME Bench Press BW, rest 60 sec, 145# 9,4,3
1b) 3XME STRICT C2B, rest 60 sec 4,4,4,

Run 800M all out.
*Rest 4 minutes.

8 minute AMRAP of:
10 Behind the Neck Push Press @ 95 (should have been 155#)
20 Perfectly Vertical KBS @ 24/16kg
30 UB Double-Unders
*Rest 8 minutes.

400M Sled Drag @ 90/70#

Monday, March 19, 2012

You only ever grow as a human being if you're outside your comfort zone.

Evening WOD

BB Gymnastics
1) 5X3 Snatch @ 70-80% – rest 90 sec. stuck at 95# for form

2a) 4X4 Snatch Pulls – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. 95#, 115#, 
2b) 4X3 Tempo High-Bar Back Squat @ 70% – rest 60 sec. 195# 
    Quick descent, 5 counts (seconds) in the rock bottom, bounce and 
    quick back up.
    this felt easy with 195#, but then again it is at 70%

Conditioning (main site)

Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
50 Sit-ups
2 Rope climbs

didn't look at the time.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in battle.

Afternoon WOD

CrossFit Games Open 12.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots (20#/10′|14#/9′)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

Finished all the DU and had about a minute to get a MU. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Every great story on the planet happened when someone decided not to give up, but kept going no matter what.

Another rest day. Too sore from 12.4 to do anything. Went to the gym to get some light back squats in. Also went back to the gym around 4 for the photoshoot that Tyler asked us to attend.

Friday, March 16, 2012

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

Rest. Worked on some WB shots to try to learn to catch the ball and ride it down. Also worked on how close I stand to the wall. Since I have to jump with the ball to push it up, I need to move closer to the wall.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

Evening WOD

CrossFit Games Open 12.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots (20#/10′|14#/9′)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

67 DU

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Are your excuses more important than your dreams?

Evening WOD


1a) 7X2 Hang Snatch High-Pulls + 1 Hang Snatch (full squat) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. 95#
1b) 7X3 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. 20# total = 15#bar and 2.5# plates at each end

Conditioning (pain threshold training)
5 rounds for total time of:
Row 250m
25 Perfectly Vertical KBS 32/24kg 70lb but only to eye level

Rest 10 total minutes, then:
4X200m Sled Drags – heaviest possible, rest 1:1
did with 2 45# plates so about 117 lbs. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

At one point in your life you either have the thing you want or the reasons why you don't.


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps (24″/20)
12 Push Press (115/75)
9 Toes-to-bar

Redo of 12.3 Got 6 rounds. Did this with the belt and it helped.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The test of character is not 'hanging in' when you expect light at the end of the tunnel, but performance of duty and persistence of example when you know no light is coming.

Took the day off to go paddleboarding and stuff. Felt really tired today, probably due to all the food that I ate last night.

In the evening I did 5x250m hill sprints on the MF hill by Highland Hollow. Felt better after doing that.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.

Evening WOD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps (24″/20)
12 Push Press (115/75)
9 Toes-to-bar

5r + 15 BJ + 5PP

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school.

Evening WOD

Back Squat 5x5 220

Used my Wendler's 5RM of 195 as a starting point. Then progressed up. Hit 220 and could finish the last rep with alot of effort. Could have gone for 225 but wanted to save myself for the Open 12.3 WOD. 220 is about a 30# increment in my 5RM

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Being uncomfortable is not exhaustion. Uncomfortable is your mind quitting before your body. Being uncomfortable is just saying no to trying again. Achieving greatness is when you're willing to do something that might kill you, just to make you better.

Evening WOD

4 minute Row*
21-15-9 rep rounds for time of (with 8 min time limit):
Power Clean (135/95)

1025 on the row but only finished the 15 pull ups. Completed the WOD after the 8 minute time limit.

Monday, March 5, 2012

It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect It's successful outcome.

Morning Track 


Our times for 200 and 400 have been faster by almost 10s but the 800s seem to be stagnant. Jonathan threw in the 1200 to confuse our body in hopes for pushing our 800s faster.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

In the end, it’s extra effort that separates a winner from second place. But winning takes a lot more that, too. It starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then it takes desire, determination, discipline, and self-sacrifice. And finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness and respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don’t win, how can you lose?

In the morning, Jonathan and I headed up to the 36th St wave park to try to catch some waves with our paddle boards. The air was in the 60s but the water was about 43. The wetsuit helped but my toes felt like they were about to fall off. 

Afternoon WOD

Redo of 12.2 

Got my first 135 after several attempts. I wrote "SHOULDER" and "BACK" on the floor to remind myself to pull my shoulder back when I set up and to straighten my back before exploding upward. It helped to a certain degree. I also did this facing the wall and drew a line on the wall as a visual cue on when to jump.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I believe life is to be lived, not worked, enjoyed, not agonized, loved, not hated.

Spent the day skiing. It was nice to get out and ski Bogus the first time in over a year. And it was a good excuse to use my pass.

Friday, March 2, 2012

People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.

Evening WOD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
11 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 Deadlifts, 315 pounds 185#
10 Handstand push-ups

When I started this workout, I knew that I needed a mental health day after the snatch the day before. And my body was beat up. I stopped at 5 rounds. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Those who cannot bravely face danger are the slaves of their attackers.

Evening WOD

Did Open 12.2 

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

115 was the most I have snatched and caught. I have been able to throw 125 over my head several times before but I have never been able to catch it so, 135 will be quite the PR for me. Went through 75 easily but when it got to 135 I failed all my attempts. My goal on Sunday is to get at least one 135.