Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

I took a blood test a couple of months ago to see how my diet change affected my blood test. My main concern was my higher intake of protein and meat, red meat in particular. With the exception of eating out, my red meat came from free range and grass fed beef/bison. I ate that for about 8 months. My intake of meat was about 4-5 lbs a week and the majority of that came from bison/beef. 
My blood test is shown below. Cholesterol levels were great. I don't have a previous blood test to compare with but my cholesterol levels have always been good and my blood pressure were normal. The only thing that stood out were my BUN and Glucose levels. The higher BUN could mean that my kidneys are working extra hard to process my higher protein intake. An the lower glucose levels could mean that my lower carb diet is making me hypoglycemic.

Now I don't remember if I worked out before this blood test, I'm pretty sure I did. With a high intensity workout, it could mean that I have some sort of muscle breakdown. Plus I was fasting since the night before. As for being hypoglycemic, I don't exhibit symptoms of hypoglycemia. I'm retaking the blood test again in a few weeks, but I'll try to drink more water before the test. I'll keep the diet the same and see how it goes.


Evening WOD

15 minute AMRAP:
1 Rope Climb (15 Feet)
200 Meter Run/Farmer Carry with Dumbbells (35/25, each hand)
5 Hang Squat Cleans (115/75)

4 rounds. Forearms were fried. Stuck at the 5th rope climb. Fuck!

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